
Showing posts from July, 2020


pic courtesy When I go to sleep at night, it is with the firm belief that I would wake up the next day, with everything inside and outside as it had been before. And in the morning, when I go to attend to my daily chores, I go with the conviction that I would find the house and all things inside in the same way as I left it. This, in essence, is what we understand by civilized living.  The belief that you can go along with your life undisturbed, living it the way you want it to be lived, without any one else intruding into your sphere of living.     An idyllic and very tame life, no doubt. But that is how the majority of what we call the common people would like to live their lives. I well remember the choral rants from T S Eliot’s play, Murder in the Cathedral. The Chorus in the play represents the Common Person, who is sure that the return of the Bishop, Thomas Beckett, would surely invite murder and subsequent anarchy. They do not want that to happen. They had been going about li